Question: How can I avoid the nightly homework battle with my second-grader? There has got to be an easier way! – Seeking Peace
Answer: Most homework battles occur over the time it is to be started. This needs to be set in stone. A contract between parent and child can resolve most homework battles. Find a contract on our website ( under the Skill Builders section of the Resources category. If you decide to use a contract, we recommend that you include very few terms in the beginning, and add more as needed. Beyond using a homework contract, make it a point to give help only when it is requested. You don’t want to have homework battles harm the relationship between you and your child. Try to settle this issue now before it becomes a running battle over the years.
Question: How can I be sure that my rather shy preschooler has the social skills he needs to enter Kindergarten? – Need to Know
Answer: Keep in mind that some children are simply shyer than others. It can be counterproductive to push such children into social situations that make them uncomfortable. Unless your child’s shyness is preventing him from enjoying being with other children, his shyness is not likely to be a problem in Kindergarten.
Many skills are important in determining if your child is ready for Kindergarten. The ability to get along with others is certainly one of them. On the next find, we have included an Education Resources Information Center checklist that you may use to observe how well he is doing in forming social skills. If he demonstrates few of the traits on this checklist, he might need a few strategies to build more satisfying relationships with other children. If he has attended a preschool program, how well he has handled the social aspects should give you a good idea of how well he will handle Kindergarten.
Social Skills Checklist
Does your child have well-developed social skills? Yes, if he:
- Approaches others positively.
- Expresses wishes and preferences clearly.
- Asserts his own rights and needs appropriately; gives reasons for actions and positions.
- Is not easily intimidated by bullies.
- Expresses frustrations and anger effectively without escalating disagreements or harming others.
- Gains access to ongoing groups in various situations.
- Makes relevant contributions to ongoing activities.
- Takes turns fairly easily
- Expresses interest in others.
- Negotiates and compromises with others appropriately.
- Does not draw inappropriate attention to himself.
- Interacts non-verbally (smiles, waves, nods) with other children.
Dear Teacher is written by Peggy Gisler and Marge Eberts. Do you have a question? Send it to or visit