As God often does, He speaks to me in themes. The last few months has been teaching me about REST. No, not the kind when you take a nap or go to bed and sleep, but rest being the result of truly trusting God.
Many of my posts over the past year or so have been focused on how to trust in and rely on God so that we can have peace and joy in the midst of our trials. Scripture promises that our lives will be full of troubles, but that Christ came that we might have abundant life nevertheless (John 10:10). Discovering the abundant life has been my quest and my JOY to find! In this season, I am greatly enjoying the REST Jesus offers as a result of complete trust.
We know worrying about things doesn't help, but actually hurts us. Our world is full of hurting, anxious and fearful people. I used to be one of them. Although a Christian, I say I was a Christian who didn’t really believe to the point of experiencing the freedom Christ came to give.
Hebrews 4 discusses the rest God planned for His people. It teaches that those that truly believe God will enter into His rest. For me, I have come to realize that if I am resting then I am truly walking by faith. Joyce Meyers describes rest as the freedom from excessive reasoning, struggle, fear, inner turmoil, worry, and frustration which develop because of our working to do what only God can do! It is having a peaceful confidence even in the middle of the most challenging circumstances! If you are at rest, your mind, will and emotions will be at peace. You will be confident that no matter what craziness is happening, God is going to meet your needs and take care of you.
Do you KNOW that God is with you? Do you BELIEVE that He is able to handle your huge problems that look insurmountable to you? Believing God's Word and obeying is really the only way to ever be free from struggling and worry. To believe God's Word causes us to rest in the promises of God. Is there anything too big or impossible with God? His Word says nothing is impossible!
Today, choose to be anxious for nothing and instead REST in who God is and His adequacy for every need you face (Phil. 4:5,6). When you can experience rest regardless of all that surrounds you, then you will know you are truly walking by faith and experiencing the REST God has made available to you.
Resting in Him,