SAT Test Prep for All - MetroFamily Magazine
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SAT Test Prep for All

SAT Test Prep for All


February 05, 2020 to February 05, 2020
06:00 PM until 08:30 PM


Students can now take advantage of free, live onlineย SATย test preparation classes that start February 5.ย ย The live classes follow curricula that are proven to help students improve their test performance and will be taught by Varsity Tutorsโ€™ Chief Academic Officer Brian Galvin.
The classes will consist of ten sessions, each 2.5 hours in length. Classes will entail live and interactive instruction, weekly homework, and two to three full-length practice tests. Galvin, who has more than 15 years of test prep expertise, will adjust the curriculum to tailor each class to enrolleesโ€™ needs. There will also be teaching assistants in the classes to allow students to ask questions and receive answers in real time.
The SAT class will begin on February 5th and end on March 11th. The class will be held on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7 - 9:30 p.m. ET.

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Pete Bahrenburg



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