March 14, 2025 to March 16, 2025
Alpacas from throughout the states will be featured in the show ring competition. The show will consist of classes judging conformation and fleece quality in many categories for both Suri and Huacaya alpacas. Dozens of vendors and farm displays will sell the latest alpaca fashions and hand-crafted items.
Friday & Saturday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, 8 a.m.-noon
Alpaca Selfie Booth
The popular Alpaca Selfie Booth will return this year at which the public can take a selfie with an alpaca. The Alpaca Selfie Booth is free of charge.
Alpaca Costume Contest
On Saturday, March 15 at around noon, participants of all ages will take to the ring to compete alongside their alpacas in a costume contest. Costumes will be judged on the comfort of the animal with foreign objects on their head, legs and feet, and how imaginative the costume is as well as the story each participant must write about the costume.