Tentober Family Camping Weekend - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

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Tentober Family Camping Weekend

Tentober Family Camping Weekend


October 15, 2022 to October 16, 2022
03:00 PM until 10:00 AM


Features an overnight camping experience Saturday evening through Sunday morning. There will be activities to enjoy throughout the evening including campfires with s'mores, fishing, kayaking, a mountain biking course, camping gear demonstrations and more. There will also be a movie showing in the amphitheater and a campfire storytelling time after the movie.

Registration will include a campsite large enough for an average 4-6 person tent. Dinner is also included as well as breakfast on Sunday.


Mitch Park
2733 Marilyn Williams Dr,
Edmond, 73003, OK , US
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$60 per family of up to six; extra tents, $30


All ages welcome

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