Repurposed Art: 3 DIY Fall Crafts - MetroFamily Magazine
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Repurposed Art: 3 DIY Fall Crafts

Reading Time: 2 minutes 

The beauty of art is that the process can take on many forms by using outside-of-the-box materials. Craft some festive, fall masterpieces with found and repurposed items that are easily found around the house or your backyard!


Stamped Harvest Corn

Best suited for ages 2+


  • LEGO Duplo Bricks or bubble wrap
  • yellow, orange and brown tempura paints (washable)
  • white and brown construction paper
  • glue or glue stick
  • 1 pair of scissors (kid safe)


  1. Squirt a quarter-size amount of each color of paint (red, yellow & orange recommended) onto a paper plate.
  2. Press the bumpy side of the blocks or bubble wrap pieces into the paint and print onto a white piece of paper. Repeat as desired.
  3. Once dry, cut out a corn cob shape.
  4. Using the brown paper, cut husk shapes and glue to the cob, letting some of the cob peek through.
  5. Repeat as many times as you like! You can create a fun, fall banner to add to your decor.


Leaf Art

Best suited for ages 3+


  • A collection of found leaves
  • glue or glue stick
  • marker
  • googly eyes (optional)
  • 1 sheet of thick construction paper or cardstock


  1. Collect different shapes, sizes and colors of leaves.
  2. Create a leaf collage in the shape of a person, animal, flower, etc., playing around with different arrangements.
  3. Once you are satisfied with your shape. Glue the leaves to the paper.
  4. Add features such as eyes, a stem or whatever is needed to complete your creation.
  5. Once it is dry, your work of art is now complete!


Broccoli Stamped Fall Tree

Best for ages 5+


  • Broccoli florets
  • 1 pair of scissors (kid safe)
  • 2-3 tempura paints (washable)
  • 1 paper plate (to use as your paint palette)
  • 2 sheets of thick construction paper or cardstock, one should be brown


  1. Squirt a quarter-size amount of paint (red, yellow & orange recommended) onto a paper plate.
  2. Using your kid-safe scissors, cut a tree trunk and branches.*
  3. Glue the tree to the other piece of paper (color optional).
  4. Dip the broccoli floret into the paint and press onto the paper. Fill the paper with “leaf” cluster prints.
  5. Let paint dry and then hang up your finished masterpiece!

*You could paint the trunk and branches onto the paper if you prefer. Just be sure to let the paint dry before adding leaves. 

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