Are you a BELIEVER? - MetroFamily Magazine
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Are you a BELIEVER?

by Cheri Blair

Reading Time: 2 minutes 

I have been a Christian since the early age of seven. It was absolutely sincere, real, and truly changed my life. Over the years however, my beliefs have been challenged by circumstances of life. I have also been taught under a variety of church doctrine that also "revised" my beliefs. But what I have been so grateful for this morning is the wonderful realization that over the past five years I have come to not only be a "Christian", a Christ follower, but a true BELIEVER! Not just knowing facts about Jesus and the Bible, but to actually believe in and rely on His Word as Truth and Life!

I’m so grateful that I know He came not just to die to take away my sins completely and fully, but to give me an Abundant Life! There’s heaven to experience on earth as we wait for heaven! There is HOPE for the NOW, not just then! There is life free from worry, stress, and anxiety…right now! I don’t always access it, but it is completely available because I am a BELIEVER!

Worry and anxiety were my first blessed teachers that led me to the new and living way of Peace and Trust. I knew that I was missing something in my experience when I realized my life was constantly overshadowed by problems that would create worry, anxiety and fear. I got to the place where I knew I couldn’t handle another 40 years of handling life this way. But as I searched scriptures, I kept finding Jesus saying that I could have peace and joy NOW! He said I could be anxious for nothing NOW! (Phil 4:6,7) Confused by what the Bible said and my actual experience, I began to ask, actually beg Him, to show me how. The answer was simple. BELIEVE.

BELIEVE that His Word is Truth more than what you see, hear, or feel. BELIEVE that you can stand on the promises in His Word and experience supernatural peace, despite your circumstances. If the Word says to "trust in the Lord with all your heart and not to lean on your own understanding", then CHOOSE to do so! Pray, "Lord, your Word says to trust you with all my heart and not rely or lean on what I can see or understand. So right now I CHOOSE to let go of how I see this problem and trust (rely and lean on) YOU and all that you are with…(fill in with your situation or problem)".

As you place it in His hands, CHOOSE to leave it there. You may even need to something visual to remind yourself that you have already given that situation/need to God. Write it on a paper and place it in a bowl or box that is where you can see it often. When your thoughts begin to wander back to your former way of thinking (worry, anxiety, fear) look at the visual and choose to leave it with God, trusting Him with the results. As Romans 12:1 says, we must RENEW our minds with the Truth so that we can be transformed.

Be a BELIEVER! Trust in Him. He is able and He has given you everything!

2 Peter 1:2,3 says…"seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence." We have to access all He has provided by CHOOSING to trust in His Word.

Let’s start living like it’s TRUE!

Living like a BELIEVER,

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