What's So Odd About Autism? - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

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What's So Odd About Autism?

by Ryan Kiggins,

Reading Time: < 1 minute 

Odd. Strange. Different. Difficult. Clueless.

Just a few of the words spoken in my direction over the course of my lifetime by others, including parents, siblings, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, former girlfriends, etc. describing their social experience with me. No doubt, there is some truth to such descriptions. The problem is what counts as truth when so much is unknown by you and them about your person?

Frustration. Disappointment. Overwhelmed. Confusion. Hopeless.

Just a few of the emotions I have experienced throughout my life as I waded, unknowingly, into a dangerous swamp antiseptically referred to as human social relations. Confusion is the emotional and psychological state I most often experienced as one failed attempt after another to forge a relationship – any relationship – with another human piled up. A sense of hopelessness sets in as one contemplates the social. What’s the point? Why try to be social when experience illuminates your social ineptitude? The problem is what counts as failure when so much is unknown by you and other humans about your person?

Read the rest of the post from an Oklahoma City dad on the spectrum on the Odd Dad Blog.

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