Popsicles. A classic summer treat. They’re cold, refreshing and come in every flavor you could imagine. Of course let’s not forget their equally delightful counterpart, the ice cream bar. This time of year these frozen treats are our go to cool off in the afternoon or evening, so I thought it was only fitting to make a craft inspired by them.
Watercolor Popsicles
- Watercolor Paper
- Watercolors
- Scissors
- Glue
- Popsicle Sticks
This craft is super easy and can be used lots of fun ways. We started by painting the watercolor paper a variety of colors and designs, the bright colors and ombre looks were our favorites. While the watercolor paper dried I cut a quick popsicle stencil out of paper. Then using the stencil I cut popsicles out of the paper we painted, and glued the papers to popsicle sticks. I used regular-ole Elmer’s glue, but I had to hold the popsicle in place and bend the paper around the stick a bit to get a good hold. Hot glue would be even easier. I thought the watercolor popsicles turned out whimsy and fun! They make a perfect summer bookmark for a read aloud, or string them up to make a garland. You could even jot a quick note on them to invite friends over for a treat.
Other Frozen Treat Inspired Activities:
- Use the watercolor popsicles to set up a pretend play popsicle stand.
- Make homemade popsicles. You can pick up popsicle molds at the dollar store and fill them with lemonade, juice or follow a recipe you find online.
- Deliver frozen treats to service workers or even the neighbors to show you care.
- Dream up popsicle flavors for every color of the rainbow or for a challenge every letter of the alphabet.
- Have a popsicle taste test and see who can guess the most flavors correctly.
Fun Frozen Treat Reads:
The Little Ice Cream Truck by Margery Cuyler
Scoop the Ice Cream Truck by Patricia Keeler
Wemberly’s Ice Cream Star by Kevin Henkes
This is one part of a series of ideas for thrifty family fun on our Thrive & Dime blog.
About the writer: Formerly a school counselor, Megan now spends her days playing trucks, reading dinosaur books, dispensing snacks and adventuring with her three little men; ages 5, 2 and 6 months.