She Must Be Lyin’ - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

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She Must Be Lyin’

by Kristina Pressley

Reading Time: < 1 minute 

 I’ve talked a lot in my blogs lately about my fitness efforts, but I haven’t written much about my actual weight loss.  I mentioned that I’d lost five pounds a few weeks ago.  Unfortunately, they found their way back.

To be honest, I haven’t been watching my calories like I could in order to really make it happen.  And, I really haven’t felt like starving myself lately.  It’s especially hard when I’m training for this half marathon to limit my calories.  When I run, I’m always starving!

Anyway, I found this article and thought it had some relevance to my weight loss plight:

Oh, and check out the chick at the end who says she “doesn’t care if she ever loses those last 20 pounds.” 

What?!  Why can’t I be her?

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