Geekapalooza Blitz! - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

Where OKC parents find fun & resources

Geekapalooza Blitz!

Reading Time: 2 minutes 

Contest now open! Be sure to enter daily!

MetroFamily wants to help YOU get your kids excited about STEAM with our first-ever Geekapalooza Blitz!

STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) education is the future for our state and our nation. Almost every job in today’s world — from food processing to automobile parts — is related to math, science and art. All it takes is a “spark” of interest to launch a child in a direction that can impact him or her for a lifetime!

Take part in the Geekapalooza Blitz and help foster your child’s love of STEAM, be entered to win a prize and receive over $150 in savings to local partners!

How it works:

  • Enter the Geekapalooza Blitz contest DAILY from Dec. 26, 2023 through Jan. 23, 2024.
  • You will be entered to win a STEAM prize pack including prizes such as: SmileZemi Tablet from JustSystems (valued at $329), Super Tube, Spy Labs incorporated from Thames and Cosmos, Geomag magic cube shapes, Dinosaur designer set, Discovery Cinema retro film projector, Free summer Kids College class at Rose State College or Teen Scene, fluid art kit from Factory Obscura, Parent’s night out passes from iCode and more!
  • Just for entering, you will also receive a STEAM passport with savings of over $150 to local STEAM partners including offers from iCode, Oklahoma Hall of Fame, Skeletons Museum of Osteology, Factory Obscura, The Sam Noble Museum, Jasmine Moran Children’s Museum and Blue Zoo!
  • Included in your passport is a coupon for our MetroFamily Insider program! Learn more about becoming an insider here.

ENTER the Geekapalooza Blitz HERE now! Be sure to check back and enter daily! 

Other ways to foster your child’s love of STEAM:

  • Take our STEAM personality quiz with your child to see how their interests relate to a field in STEAM. Take the quiz here!
  • Each week during the Blitz, we will post two new science experiments you can do with your family! Find the experiments here.
  • Check out the Jan/Feb issue and the STEAM guide listings for ideas on how to get your child involved with STEAM.
  • Take a look at our current art and museum exhibit and make plans to visit.
  • Save the date for our next in-person Geekapalooza, STEAM Festival for kids, coming on Saturday, November 9, 2024 at the Rose State College Student Union. Pre-registration tickets are only $5 per child and adults are free! Click here to learn more.
  • Watch this Raising OKC Kids Podcast  with Boeing to learn how just a spark of interest can turn into a life-long passion.


Thank you to our Geekapalooza Blitz Sponsor:

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