Revenge of the Plants! All about Carnivorous Plants - MetroFamily Magazine
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Revenge of the Plants! All about Carnivorous Plants

Revenge of the Plants! All about Carnivorous Plants


April 17, 2019 to April 17, 2019
06:00 PM until 07:00 PM


Learn about some of the wackiest vegetation in the world - carnivorous plants! Kids will learn how these meat-eating plants work, why they eat meat and how to keep them alive. The group will make a fun craft to turn hands into Venus flytraps and each child will take a small carnivorous plant home.

Preregister. Best suited for ages 8 - 11.


Myriad Gardens
301 W Reno Ave,
Oklahoma City, OK , US
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Members, $12; nonmembers, $15

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