August 03, 2024 to August 10, 2024
10:00 AM until 01:00 PM
This event occurs weekly,
on Saturday
Features information, education, resources and direct services that OKCPS families need to prepare for and have a successful school year. The event will bring together OKCPS resources, community partners and families and will include services such as medical screenings, immunizations, after-school program registration and more. Services and back-to-school supplies will be provided on a first come, first serve basis. This event is open to all OKCPS district. OKCPS enrollment and other teams will be available to help answer questions.
The events will be held:
Saturday, August 3 from 10am - 1pm
Frederick Douglass High School
900 N Martin Luther King Ave.
Saturday, August 10 from 10am - 1pm
US Grant High School
5016 S Pennsylvania Ave.
What families can expect:
Free Lunch
Hot dogs at Douglass August 3
Taco plate at US Grant, provided by Morelos August 10
Face painting
Free snacks
Read OKC on the Go!
Esports games on mobile gaming trailer
Health Services
Sports physicals
Dental checkups
OUHSC - general health screenings (blood pressure, blood glucose, BMI) and vision and hearing screenings
Total Wellness will provide free vaccinations
OKCPS Enrollment - if you haven’t already, get your students enrolled!
Information about colleges, universities and adult education
Information about after school programs
Scholarship opportunities
Information regarding food assistance, medical and child care assistance.
Information about health programs and health education
OU Telehealth
Office of Exceptional Student Services
OKCPS Athletics
School supplies
Free digital photos for families
Free menstrual products
Free sunscreen
Bug spray
Oklahoma City, OK , US