Oklahoma A+ Schools Institute at UCO has a vision to create schools that work for everyone, particularly through arts integration. They are dedicated to igniting imagination, creativity and innovation in students, teachers and schools. The primary way they accomplish this is through professional development programs for educators and schools that encourage effective arts integration teaching methods.
The A+ Essentials provide the framework for all of their work as they help schools and educators create learning environments that make sense for the children they serve. As the premiere project on which all other Institute work is founded, the A+ Schools Network provides ongoing professional development and support to public, charter, & private schools across the state, assisting them to build community-wide ownership of their collaboratively developed goals and objectives.ย
OKA+ also provides a series of STEAM project videos that were created in collaboration with Boeing. These are available on their YouTube Channel. They will walk you through various themes, STEAM careers, and projects. While the materials will need to be gathered by the participants, the content will be very helpful in expanding knowledge of young children about opportunities in STEAM careers for their future. The projects are engaging and fun for the children and the adults who work with them.