Diapers represent a fundamental necessity crucial to a baby’s health and well-being. According to the National Diaper Bank Network, one in three families cannot afford an adequate supply of diapers to keep their child(ren) clean and healthy. Additionally, 25% of parents experiencing diaper needs have missed work or school as a result.
Several community resources are available to assist families in the metro area with diapers, infant formula and other essential baby supplies:
A Brighter Day
800 W Rock Creek Rd, Ste 115, Norman
Provides diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, bottles, baby lotion, clothing, diaper bags and parenting classes. Services are available on a bi-weekly basis for families with a baby under one or pregnant individuals.
Center for Children and Families Baby Pantry
210 S Cockrel Ave, Norman
Provides emergency baby supplies. Families may come in twice a month to receive diapers, baby wipes and other supplies free of charge.
Family Expectations
3 E Main St, Oklahoma City
Provides safety kids, diapers and parenting classes.
Infant Crisis Services
4224 N Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City
Provides formula, food, diapers, blankets, clothing, and other basic necessities by appointment. These services are available four times annually to children birth – age 3.
OkCity Crisis Nursery
405-979-0706 (call or text)
Provides clothing, diapers, formula, car seats and other necessities.
Willow Pregnancy Support
Provides pregnancy tests, diapers and other necessities.
If you know of other diaper and baby resources for OKC area residents in need, please let us know at tips@metrofamilymagazine.com.