All About A Chance to Change Foundation - MetroFamily Magazine
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All About A Chance to Change Foundation

Reading Time: 3 minutes 

Name of Organization:
A Chance to Change Foundation
2113 W Britton Rd
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73120

Rose Braun, CBHCM is a Case Manager at A Chance to Change. After coming to work for A Chance to Change she graduated from Southern Nazarene University with a BS in Family Studies and Gerontology. Behavioral Health Case Manager and Behavioral Health Recovery Specialist are her official titles, but her most challenging and rewarding work is with adolescents in The SUCCEED Program. She coordinates this program along with LEAD, a volunteer driven education program for middle-school students, and the Putnam City Student Assistance Program.

Describe the mission of your non-profit: Offering a chance to change for those whose lives have been affect by addictions and related behavioral disorders.

How does it impact families and children, whether locally or elsewhere? A Chance to Change is here to help you and your entire family find healing. We provide addiction counseling as well as mental health counseling for things such as trauma, depression, and anxiety.

Addiction is a painful illness that affects the entire family. Alcoholism, drug addiction, and gambling addiction can destroy the addict’s health, family, and livelihood. However, we know there is hope for recovery.

We’ve been serving families in Oklahoma City with alcohol and drug treatment for more than 30 years. Addiction can cast a wide net of pain and confusion. Families and others in a relationship with the addict are particularly at risk and often feel lonely, frustrated or distraught. We offer services for individuals of all ages who want to have healthier relationships and happier, more satisfying lives.

What drives you to make this non-profit a success? I believe in the mission of A Chance to Change and love the passion of the staff for helping others find recovery. I see that we are making a difference in people’s lives and that in turn makes a difference in families and in our community.

What success stories or accomplishments has this non-profit achieved? We consider our greatest accomplishments to be the people we help. This year we have provided education, prevention, and intervention services to approximately 6,500 individuals.

How can families and children help this non-profit? ACTC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. With the help of generous donations, we are able to provide free or low-cost services such as our education classes and in school prevention programs. Consider making a donation to A Chance to Change Foundation. All donations made to A Chance to Change Foundation are tax deductible.

Like most non-profit service agencies, we appreciate the help of volunteers, and have several volunteer opportunities available throughout the year.

You can also help with education by giving people you know the facts. Addiction is a disease. It is a chronic illness that requires lifelong support for recovery; it is not a character flaw.

Help us fulfill our mission by reaching out to those suffering from addiction or behavioral disorders. Tell them hope is here and refer them to us for help and treatment.

What led you to work for this nonprofit? A friend of mine was working at a Chance to Change and shared with me how much she loved her job. I asked if there were any positions open since I was looking for a job where I could help make a difference in the lives of others. As a matter of fact, she said, our director is looking for an administrative assistant. I called, applied, and got the job. I had worked at a drug and alcohol inpatient treatment facility before moving to Oklahoma and I loved it. That was eleven years ago. I have seen a lot of changes and done many different things within the organization. But one thing that has remained constant is our mission of offering others a chance to change

What was your best day so far? My best day would probably be the day I crossed the hall from being an administrative assistant to working more directly with clients as a case manager. I’m grateful each time I work with a client here or an adolescent in the schools for the opportunity I have to touch someone’s life or plant a seed for the future.


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