Word Games - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

Where OKC parents find fun & resources

Word Games

by Jennifer Geary

Reading Time: 2 minutes 

I hope you've been enjoying playing more games with your kids! This week I want to talk about our Word Game Wednesdays. Kind of like math or geography, you can go a lot of different directions with words, like:

  • vocabulary
  • letter or sound recognition
  • spelling
  • poetry
  • word play
  • grammar

I've mentioned before how much I love Peggy Kaye's books. She has Games for Reading, which is broken down into Games for Learning Words, Games for Learning Sounds, Games for Understanding, and Reading Every Day. These are geared toward lower elementary aged kids, but some of the techniques can be adapted to different levels and I highly recommend any of her books! From this one, we especially enjoyed Word Ladder and Goofy Sentences. (You can download Goofy Sentences and other games at Peggy Kaye's website if you want to try before you buy.)

FileFolderFun.com is another site I've used quite a bit for language arts games. Some people don't want to spend the time cutting and laminating, but if you have several children that will be using them, or if you're weird like me and find that kind of thing relaxing–you might want to take a look at them.

I've been collecting lots of word game ideas on Pinterest! You can find them on my Learn to Read board, ABC board, Language Arts board, Reading board, and Spelling board. (It looks like I should probably spend some time consolidating some Pinterest boards, huh?!) I am visual, so this is a great place for me and most teachers and homeschool moms are working on a small (or nonexistent) budget, so most of the games are inexpensive to make or just require things you already have around the house.

We also have several board and tile games we enjoy for Word Game Wednesday, but I'll share those with you in a few weeks! I hope these ideas encourage you to try some fun new ways to explore words with your kiddos!

Happy learning!

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