The Reader - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

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The Reader

by Rebecca Lucas

Reading Time: 2 minutesย 

Life as a mom is a constant battle within my head, replaying various situations with my daughter, thinking how could I have done something better and more effectively. I think as moms, we do that a lot because we are always on a quest to do a better job and do things more effectively. So, when I actually get a win, I can’t help but really celebrate!

Since I was pregnant with my daughter, I have been reading to her. She had three bookshelves full of books the day she was born, and that has only increased as she has grown older. When I was growing up, I absolutely loved reading. So much so in fact, my first public relations job was at Borders. One of my duties was to read story time a few times a week to the children, and all the while, I dreamed for the day I could read to my own child.

I’m happy to report that my daughter shares this love of reading and our nightly story time is a big deal in our household. Each night, she picks out a story to read, and loves to discuss items in the book that comes to her very inquisitive mind. One of her favorite places to shop is any bookstore. We literally spend hours there. I honestly couldn’t be happier.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) "strongly recommends reading to children every day, starting after they are first born," because "reading stimulates the development of the brain, language and a closer emotional relationship with a child." I believe this whole heartedly and have seen the benefits already with my four-year-old. When she pretends she is reading to me, her voice will inflect exactly where mine does in the story, which tells me she is paying close attention. I feel reading transforms you to another place and opens your mind to endless possibilities that you carry with you throughout your life.

Her current favorite books include: “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney, “Cat in the Hat” by Dr. Seuss, “Today I Feel Silly: And Other Moods That Make My Day” by Jamie Lee Curtis, “I Love You So” by Marianne Richmond and “Pinkalicious” by Elizabeth Kann.

I am always on a quest for new fabulous books…what are your child’s favorite books?

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