Your kids have played with sidewalk chalk, but never like this before. Give this classic activity a boost of creative fun by turning regular chalk into liquid paint. Bonus: It's a great way to use up some of those small pieces of chalk that are difficult to write with.
- Small chalk pieces
- Water
- Cups
- Rolling pin or hammer
- Teaspoon
- Paintbrushes
- Zip-loc bag
- Gather all the chalk pieces together and put them in a zip-loc bag. Separate colors.
- Next use a rolling pin or hammer to finely crush the chalk. (Make sure children are supervised)
- Put 1 teaspoon of chalk dust into a small cup and add 2 teaspoons of water. Add more or less water and chalk dust to make it darker or lighter.
- Next use a paintbrush to paint on the sidewalk or driveway.
- Try painting pinecones or on dark construction paper.
Other chalk ideas:
- Outline someone and then add eyes, ears, hair etc.
- Make a maze or obstacle course. Draw a squiggly line and follow it and make circles to jump, zig zags to follow.
- Play hopscotch or four square.
- Use a spray bottle to see who can erase the drawing the fastest.