Alpacas and Candy Engineering at Summer Camp! - Ep. 4.19 - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

Where OKC parents find fun & resources

Alpacas and Candy Engineering at Summer Camp! – Ep. 4.19

By Rose State Kids Colege

Reading Time: < 1 minute 

Summer camp is a fun part of growing up, and it can be foundational in teaching life skills as well. Joining us today is Matthew Weinrich, director of Rose State’s Kids College, to talk about what kind of summer activities might be the best fit for your child, as well as how to get them ready for summer camps. Whether it be sessions such as fun with alpacas, archery, esports, 3-D printing, and even flying drones and candy engineering, there is a camp for every child and their individual interests.

Watch Time: 17 minutes

To learn more about the camps offered at Rose State Kids College and to sign your child up, visit

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