Stacy McDaniel believes that every child should have the opportunity to experience the positive benefits that come from playing sports. She is the president of Oklahoma Cleats for Kids, a nonprofit organization that she founded with husband Mark in 2011. Oklahoma Cleats for Kids ( provides donated sports shoes, clothes and equipment to kids in need.
“Mark and I started Cleats for Kids in 2011 because, as parents of three children, all of whom play sports, we saw so many kids for whom the cost of shoes and equipment was an impediment to playing sports. There was no organization that was helping meet this need,” she explains. “So, our vision for Cleats for Kids was born to support every child’s right to develop a healthier lifestyle and build character by helping them get what they need to play and stay involved in sports.” In the first nine months of 2012, Cleats for Kids distributed more than 2,000 pairs of shoes, clothing and equipment to hundreds of local kids in need.
Here is more on how this 47-year-old native Oklahoman juggles a busy non-profit, three kids and helps kids across the state achieve their full potential through an active lifestyle:
What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
I competitively rode horses.
What are you passionate about?
I am very passionate about all kids having the opportunity and tools to reach their fullest potential.
How has motherhood changed you?
Motherhood has given me a different perspective on life. It has taught me to value each and every day and to enjoy and appreciate the individualism God has given each person.
How do you banish stress?
Exercising—I enjoy Pilates, yoga and spinning.
What inspires you?
My friends and family inspire me. I am so blessed to be around faithful, kind, smart, conscientious and community oriented people!
What do you like most about your job?
I love that Cleats for Kids helps kids in need have active lifestyles and play sports. I also love that we strive to be “to kids, by kids, and for kids,” involving youth to give back to their community.
What is on your wish list?
I wish there were more hours in the day!
What are you most proud of?
I am most proud of my kids—Cole, Josh and Meghan.
What motivates you?
A feeling of accomplishment.
How do you find balance in your life?
I try to find time for devotion, family, helping others and exercise.
Advice for other moms?
There are so many aspects of motherhood. Moms should try to focus on the important things and communicate about everything.
Where are you from originally?
I graduated from Edmond High School and have degrees from OSU and OU. My husband and I have lived in Oklahoma City since we both graduated from law school.
What’s the biggest challenge in your life?
As life has gotten busier, I have a hard time with multitasking.
How do you help others?
I hope that I am supportive and help others achieve their goals and be the best person they can be.
What is your parenting style?
Authoritative with lots of love.
Favorite quote or advice about motherhood?
“Be the change you want to see in the world” —Ghandi.
Quick Facts About Stacy:
- What are five words that describe you? Hardworking, loves family, volunteer, friendly and positive.
- What’s on your playlist? Dave Matthews Band, Mumford & Sons, Norah Jones.
- What’s your favorite family outing? Going to the lake in the summer.
- What’s your favorite movie? Forrest Gump, Legends of the Fall and Elf.
- What’s your guilty pleasure? Pedicures.
[Editor’s Note: Follow Oklahoma Cleats for Kids on Facebook]
Brooke Barnett is the Assistant Editor of MetroFamily Magazine