If you ask cloth-diapering mothers in Oklahoma City who they consider to be the local cloth diaper guru, odds are they will say one name—Morgan Harris. Harris is a local business owner and a walking, talking resource on environmentally friendly parenting. Having recently expanded her store last fall into a space nearly three times as large, this mother of one (son Spencer is 4 years old) promotes eco-parenting and helps local parents make greener choices for their families. Here is more on how the 32-year-old balances work, life and her drive to run a successful business.
What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
I’m a lapsed scuba diver. I lived in Dahab, Egypt for a while and learned to dive in the Red Sea.
How has motherhood changed you?
Having a child makes it easier for me to express my emotions. I’ve probably told him I love him more in just a month than I ever said I love you to anyone in all the years before he was born. He also helps me see the joy in everyday things and reminds me to stay in the moment and not worry so much about the past or the future.
How do you banish stress?
I don’t have one specific method. Making lists helps me to stop worrying about getting things done; yoga when stress gets really bad; taking time away from work to refocus.
Along with your job as a mom, what do you do?
I own Green Bambino, Oklahoma’s largest cloth diaper and eco-baby resource.
What do you like most about your job?
I love sharing products I love and find useful with other families. I love the passion our staff and customers bring to what I do.
What is on your wish list?
Professionally, I would love to have someone swoop in and get e-commerce going for Green Bambino. Personally, I really want to take a family vacation to Montreal.
What are you most proud of?
That I have had the confidence and courage to do anything I set my mind to, no matter what other people said at the time. Living abroad, natural childbirth, starting a business—so far, I have no regrets.
What motivates you?
Fear of failure. In some ways, I’m a perfectionist and can’t handle it when I don’t do things the right way the first time.
Where are you from originally?
I’m originally from Okmulgee. I’m really glad I stayed in Oklahoma and I love living in Oklahoma City. There is so much going on here now and we love raising our son here.
What’s the biggest challenge in your life?
Leaving Green Bambino at the end of the day. I love what I do, but I have to remember that it’s not the most important part of my life.
What is your parenting style?
I don’t think I fit into any defined categories. I cloth-diapered and wear my son, but he has slept in his own bed since he was three weeks old. We take pieces from different parenting styles that work for us and cobble them together. So far, it’s working.
Advice for other moms?
Get help. Whether it’s a doula, a lactation consultant, a babysitter, family, housekeepers, friends—it doesn’t matter. But you don’t have to do it all by yourself. No one will think less of you for asking for help, and life will be easier and more enjoyable if you do.
Favorite quote or advice about motherhood?
Given that I have a preschooler who likes to ask why, my favorite quote is currently “A person soon learns how little he knows when a child begins to ask questions.”
– Richard L. Evans
Quick Facts About Morgan
- What are five words that describe you? Loyal, tenacious, messy, stubborn, fair.
- What’s your favorite indulgence? Salmon sashimi from Tokyo Japanese restaurant.
- What’s your favorite TV show? Bones. I’m embarrassingly engrossed.
- What’s your favorite meal to cook for dinner? Pork chops with Daddy Hinkle’s seasoning (made in Oklahoma) and polenta fries. Fast, easy and delicious!
- What can’t you live without? My husband and son. And coffee.
Brooke Barnett is the Assistant Editor of MetroFamily Magazine.