Real Moms of the Metro—Meet Chandra Boyd of the Oklahoma City Museum of Art - MetroFamily Magazine
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Real Moms of the Metro—Meet Chandra Boyd of the Oklahoma City Museum of Art

by Mari Farthing

Reading Time: 3 minutes 

Chandra Boyd is a creative local mom of one spirited little girl with a job that keeps her active in the local community. We recently caught up with her to ask a few questions, to get a behind-thescenes peek into the life of this wife and mother.

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
I can’t swim.

What are you passionate about?

My family, good health, education, the community, and the arts.

How has motherhood changed you?
I’m much less rigid and have learned how to go with the flow a lot more.

How do you banish stress?

I read a daily meditation, play with my daughter, spend time with my husband, and take naps as often as possible!

What inspires you?

Seeing the world through a child’s eyes and learning something new every day.

What line of work are you in?

I am a curator of education at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art, where I oversee Museum School classes for children and adults and camps for children, provide interpretation for exhibitions and collections, as well as create programs and activities serving families and adults.

What do you like most about your job?
It’s not the same thing every day. Plus, I love being able to serve children and families, share world-class art with OKC, and bring together people in our community.

What is on your wish list?

A new pair of black boots and a vacation.

What are you most proud of?
My family, my job and my education. I spent a lot of time in school, earning two bachelors and two masters over the course of about 10 years. I just loved school so much, but it was a lot of work, and I am proud of finishing it. Also, my parents sacrificed a lot to make sure I wasn’t left with student loans, so while I am proud of the actual work on my education, I am even more proud of my parents and am inspired to do the same for my child.

What motivates you?

Setting a goal; once I put my mind to something, I can usually make it happen.

How do you find balance in your life?

Setting aside time for myself and my family and friends.

Advice for other moms?
Do what works best for you and your family.

What’s the biggest challenge in your life?

My life is very blessed, but accepting that I am right where I need to be at present is a challenge.

How do you help others?

I give away as much as possible (clothing, toys, household items), and I try to volunteer as much as I can for various arts and charitable organizations in the community. I have been told that my work at the art museum makes a huge difference in the lives of others, but it’s hard for me accept credit for that; I don’t know why.

What is your parenting style?
Providing unconditional love, being consistent, leading by example, being forgiving, and letting them learn for themselves.

Favorite quote or advice about motherhood?

It took us several years to get pregnant, so we were so overjoyed when we found out we were having a baby. It’s easy to complain about the sleepless nights, the constant feedings, diaper changes, etc. But I reminded myself to cherish every moment I have to spend with my daughter, especially during my “blissful” 2 am moments.

Quick Facts about Chandra:

  1. What are five words that describe you?

    Compassionate, sensitive, cleanfreak, skeptical and loyal.

  2. What’s your favorite date night venue?

    Flip’s—it’s where my husband and I fell in love!

  3. What’s on your reading list?

    Primarily consists of children’s books these days! Our daughter loves books, and we read together every day.

  4. What’s always in your handbag?

    A notebook (because I’m always making lists!)

  5. What’s your guilty pleasure?

    Wine and chocolates.

Mari Farthing is Editor of MetroFamily Magazine.

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