With each new year comes an opportunity for reflection, goal-setting and a renewed focus on things we wish to change or accomplish in ourselves or our lives. The making of resolutions often goes hand-in-hand with New Years celebrations and can help us set our mind to make the coming year even better than the one before.
Our December Question of the Month asked our readers to share how you will commit to improving your life in 2012. An overwhelming 40 percent of readers indicated that they would focus on health in this coming year, making choices to eat healthier, exercise or resolve existing health challenges. The next largest category of responses was a tie between having fun and helping others, indicating that a combined 28 percent of readers will focus on both enjoying life and making a difference in the coming year. Getting organized will be top priority for over 12 percent, with honing creativity and getting/completing an education each garnering nearly 6 percent of responses.
Our readers shared more about the areas of their life that they will commit to improving in the next year:
Health and creativity go hand-in-hand for Kelly T. of Edmond. “I have pledged to cook a new meal every week and try to make it healthy!”
For Anne B. of Edmond, education will be the main focus. “Even though I am 49 years old, I am seriously considering going back to school to become a nurse. I have seen some friends start careers later in life and I have always wanted to be a nurse!”
A creative new endeavor is on tap for Todd M. of Moore. “I am really looking to write a children's book with my daughter this year.”
Making time for fun is top priority for Denise H. of Edmond. “My children are growing up quickly, one will graduate from high school next year, and I want to fill their year with fun family memories. I hope to take more family trips and just have time that we will be spending together, interacting with one another.”
For Jody B. of Wellston, having fun is the key to better health. “My son and I will strive to become more active in our everyday life by doing fun things with one another and just going outside to play. Whether this means taking a walk or throwing a ball back and forth, we will become more active and in turn healthier people.”
One category just can’t contain all the goals that Bethany W. of Norman has set for 2012. “I would have to pick education, health, and fun. I am currently pursuing a degree in Business, am on my way to bettering my health, and I want to show my kids that although there is a lot going on, we still have time for fun.”
Other reader comments:
- We are moving to the city and I want to have more fun with my kids. — Rhonda F., Altus
- I want to learn to like to eat healthy & that it is not such a chore. I love food & just want to love the right kind. — Rebekah G., Bethany
- By having baby #3! :). — Amanda S., Canadian
- I am already enrolled in a gym, but I will be more committed to going on a regular basis. I will also plan more healthy meals for my family. — Debbie W., Choctaw
- I always strive to work harder on my eating habits , exercise and weight loss goals.. — Sandy S., Del City
- I want to pursue a career and not just a job! ๐ — Emily N. , Del City
- Exercise more as a family. — Jason T., Edmond
- Financially. Start my first ever savings account. — Susan G., Edmond
- Health: I will surrendering my will over to my loving God and let him direct me I know he will have me help others and he will let me know how & when — Susan C. , Edmond
- I am already working on improving my heath by eating better and exercising! I am on my second week going strong!! — Rachel T., Edmond
- I take better care of my family's health and needs more than my own and I am beginning to feel the effects of that! I need to exercise more, drink more water and eat healthier. Already trying to do this but will step it up more so in 2012 when I have a little more time. — Pam G., Edmond
- I will turn 50 in 2012, so I hope to finally commit to a healthy balance of sleep, drinking water, light exercise and eating lighter. — Allison C. , Edmond
- I'm a type II Diabetic that runs on both sides of my family. I am the only one in my generation that has this chronic disease and can realistically admit it's a struggle. One of the symptoms that I have experienced with diabetes is the premature birth of my 7 year old daughter who is 38lbs and have recently removed the guilt from heart and spirit that it was my fault that she came early, but was a beautiful blessing for Christmas in 2004. I would like to take my experience and support others who may struggle with the same obstacles as I do that we can all overcome together. — Tara W. , Edmond
- More vacation! — John D., Edmond
- Pour my time into my Adoption/Foster Care ministry and help as many foster children in Oklahoma as we can! check us out at www.chosenokc.org — Cindy B., Edmond
- Take some art classes! — Amanda D. , Edmond
- Exercise more — J.J. C., Edmond
- Want to lose weight and get pregnant again! — Christina T. , Edmond
- Well my heath is not so good so i am going to improve it — Marvella C., Edmond
- I plan on spending as much time with family and friends as possible. Life is too short not to enjoy it! — Deanna A., El Reno
- Try to eat healthier and exercise more. — Lyndal L., Enid
- I have two small children, so our house has taken the backseat these last four years. Hopefully this year I'll have more time and motivation to get things organized and keep them that way! We need to downsize, especially in the toy department!! — Amy C., Jones
- I am going to try to be more of a blessing to others…..giving what I can and being more supportive and less judgemental! — Lesli S., Midwest City
- I am already enrolled at Rose State College. I need to further my education to suport my child and myself. — Jennifer H., Midwest City
- I will exercise regularly and provide healthy meals for myself and my family. — Rosanna R., Midwest City
- Now that my kids are getting older, I want them to learn to think of others more. I believe that helping others is very important and I would like my children to have that value too. I plan to get more involved with service projects in our community. I also will be helping with my children's cub scout pack and girl scout troop. I would love to volunteer to help at summer camp next year. — Nicole C., Midwest City
- I have lost 66lbs. and plan on continuing the weight loss — Maria H., Moore
- I want to do more missions & help as many people as I can. — Jamie B., Moore
- I want to help my daughter to learn how to sew. — Uintah Pitts, Moore
- I will be improving my health but my son and I are helping others and plan on helping more next year. For the past two years we have been volunteering at OK ADOPT A DOG rescue in Harrah. This year we adopted a foster boy for Christmas. My 7 year old loves helping others especially children and animals. Helping others is fun and an enjoyable experience. It does a heart good! — Leslie S., Moore
- Spending more time having fun with my family in 2012. — Valaurie P., Moore
- I am determined to live a healthier lifestyle for me and my family. — Tiffanie C., Mustang
- I have been on a mission to complete some items on my "bucket list." I hope to be more committed to this task in the coming year. Most of these items involve some sort of a physical challenge, but many also require some courage and putting aside the fear of failure or being embarrassed. The excitement factor makes this commitment "fun," but the reason I have come to appreciate this as a worthwhile endeavor is that it requires personal growth – overcoming fears and doubt and pushing myself physically as well, which is also an incentive to stay physically fit. Ultimate goal – skydiving! — Rhonda M., Mustang
- I want to spend more time with my family! — Christina E. , Mustang
- Injured my knee this summer & have been very inactive, but I'm nearly back to normal and I'm ready to get moving again– regain some strength and endurance. — Claret L., Midwest City
- Going to start losing weight! — Amanda B., Newalla
- I am trying to lose 30 lbs and work exercise into my life as a way of life. I am a grandmother and want to see my grandkids grow up and for them to be proud of me. I want to be able to do physical things with them. — Cathy S., Newalla
- I've been losing some weight this year…but i really want to reach my goal in the new year. — Tamara F., Newalla
- I MUST get in shape. My family has health issues such that I may someday be called upon to be a kidney donor. I MUST get my blood pressure and weight under control so I will be a viable donor if my loved one needs an organ–either mine directly or through a domino procedure. — Karla N., Newcastle
- By taking care of things in a more timely manner and by purging and simplifying my life. I want to do this so that I can be more efficient in my career and so that I can have more time to enjoy life and the people that I care about. — Teresa T., Norman
- I am going to lead a civic group dedicated to improving the quality of life of it's members and the community for the 2012 calendar year. The job will require a considerable amount of my spare time and donating a lot of time and money to the people of Norman, OK, but I am looking forward to it! — Daniel H., Norman
- I keep my 3-year old granddaughter every day and we are always on the lookout for new, fun things to do. She keeps me young, mind and body, and I love it! — Karen M., Norman
- I'm a little bit of a pack rat. I hold on to everything, so my home has gotten a little cluttered. Right now, I'm working on getting rid of all the unnecessary things that have just been taking up space and getting more organized. — Jessica S., Norman
- I'm going back to college in January, hoping to have a masters degree within five years — Kathy C., Norman
- I'm going to start exercising, commit to a healthy diet and lose a lot of weight. — Julie H., Norman
- I'm going to stay more organized in the new year. Staying on top of clutter has been a problem for me this past year, but going through things as they come in the house is the solution for me. — Floris R., Norman
- I've been overweight my whole life and now that I'm older I realize that I need to better my health for the sake of kids. I want to be around to see them experience life and to share in their joys and heartaches. — Celina Lautzenheiser , Norman
- In 2012, I plan to eat better and exercise. — Jennifer D., Norman
- Plan on working out for the first time regularly since high school. — Joel T., Norman
- While I have already started my weight loss journey, I am down 30 pounds, I still have about 60 more to go. My husband and I have been lax since the holidays, so beginning in the new year, we plan on hitting the YMCA 3 days a week. I also like to incorporate our elliptical trainer and pilates videos at home. I am 40 and I don't want to be that unhealthy person anymore. I have an active 3 year old and a 1 year old and I want them to grow up being active and eating healthy…I realize that starts with me. They will do what I do so I choose to be healthy and active. — Genie R., Norman
- Start working out and become more healthy. — Amber W., OKC
- Being more organized will help relieve stress. — Maria W., Oklahoma City
- Due to the sudden and unforeseen passing of my Nana, I believe now more than ever that you should take care of yourself so that you are more able to take care of those you love. — Kristi W. , Oklahoma City
- Get into better shape. Excercise more and eat better — Lauren F., Oklahoma City
- Get more active with the family and have fun!! — Stephanie B., Oklahoma City
- I am just starting on learning how to budget good with my money and starting next year, I am going to take my 2year old son out on an activity and a dinner date (seperate times..for more fun!) once a month! — Shena P. , Oklahoma City
- I chose creativity because I feel like that can include a wide area of things…creativity in an exercise routine so it doesn't become mundane, creativity in my children's day so they stay entertained, creativity in church, etc. I really need to work on my creativity…including in organizing things…like my menu plan! — Erika J., Oklahoma City
- I have to make this the year I beat diabetes!— Angi M., Oklahoma City
- I just think my family will function better with a little more organization. Everything should have a place and needs to e put back in place when taken out. With so many activities and functions, schedules and calendars will be better written and arranged. I just hope I don't go crazy. — Myshel B., Oklahoma City
- I plan to organize my bills as they come in, by payment due date, schedule them through my bank to pay them so that I don't forget and continue to get late charges. I hate late charges and feeling overwhelmed by bills pilling up when I'm not organized. — Amanda S. , Oklahoma City
- I really need to work on my cholesterol and just eating better in general. — Melissa B. , Oklahoma City
- I think helping others can improve your life on many levels and is such a rewarding experience. I plan to get involved in the many opportunities at our church that help others throughout our community. — Sherri F., Oklahoma City
- "I would improve my health by improving my cooking skills and by putting more effort in reversing the unhealthly lifestyle I have created for my 8 year old daughter. She 8 and wear a size 14 – 16. And is very self-conscious of her belly. We both are over weight. Improving my health will improve her!" — LaRhonda F., Oklahoma City
- I would love to loose some or all of my baby weight! — Debbie V. , Oklahoma City
- Looking to exercise and get heart healthy — Ron P., Oklahoma City
- My goal is to try and lessing stress levels and be more positive. Excersize and eat health. Keep my heart and soul with christ Jesus. I am in need of getting my mind, heart, and soul on the right track. May the lord Jesus countinue to keep me in good health while I fufill the rest. — Candice C. , Oklahoma City
- Need to lead a more healthy lifestyle. — Kristi S., Paden
- I am hoping to lose at least 40 pounds this next year! — Julie P., Shawnee
- I will help my duaghter learn more about jesus and read the bible to her every day. —Michelle A., Shawnee
- Exercise more and be more active as a family. — Jen W. , Tecumseh
- I have a couple things that I want to improve on, mainly spend more time with my family doing fun things, my husband was deployed for most of 2011. Secondly I want to finish my degree and improve my health by working out more often — Suhail G., Tinker AFB
- Take time to go on more local trips, do some hiking and biking in the area and maybe horse back riding. — Marie K., Tinker AFB
- I plan to work out a better schedule and organize my family's time better. — Meaghan J., Village
- Home projects — Linda D., Warr Acres
- I recently joined the YMCA and have been going at least 4 days a week. It's also a great way for my 18-month-old daughter to spend some time with children her age. We plan to keep this up! — Jennifer S. , Yukon
- We are going to try as a family to change our lifestyle. We are going to eat healthier and start exercising as a family so that we can support one another in the process. I think it will strengthen our family and improve our overall health. — Shawnee R. , Yukon