MetroFamily Receives 11 Industry Awards - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

Where OKC parents find fun & resources

MetroFamily Receives 11 Industry Awards

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At the annual Parenting Media Association awards banquet this month, MetroFamily was honored to receive 11 awards for excellence in editorial and design. PMA is a non-profit that has been representing the family media market since 1988. Content from regional family publications is reviewed and judged by a panel from the University of Missouri's School of Journalism.  

Also at the conference, Sarah Taylor, publisher, was honored with the “Distinguished Member” award by PMA. This award is given periodically to someone who has made significant contributions to their own publications and to PMA. Taylor was a board member for more than 10 years and president for two years, leading the organization through many significant changes.

We're incredibly proud of the staff members and freelancers who help make MetroFamily Magazine an award-winning publication. 

Bronze Awards: 

Cover Using Stock Photo for our August 2016 cover

Blog for Weekend Warrior

Editor’s Note for Hannah Schmitt's monthly note in print

General Feature Writing for Erin Page's piece about high-stakes testing

Silver Awards:

News Series for Erin Page's foster care series 

Humor Column for Heather Davis's Mom Humor columns

Personal Essay for Kathleen Shannon's column on child care 

Gold Awards:

Reviews for Samuel Roldán's monthly Kid Reviews

Profile by Hannah Schmitt about 10 Strong 

Family Fun Editorial for Lindsay Cuomo's piece about Robbers Cave

Design, Best Interior Photos for Emily Hart's photos in the Jen Semmler feature 

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