International Talk Like a Pirate Day - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

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International Talk Like a Pirate Day

by Jennifer Geary

Reading Time: 2 minutes 


Ahoy, Mateys!  Next Thursday, September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day!  Of course it’s fun to just go around calling everyone and everything by ridiculous pirate words, but here are a few ideas for making your school day a little more interesting, too.

  • The Original Talk Like a Pirate Day Site:  Some of this site is not for kids, so you’ll want to preview it first, but there are lesson ideas, information about the history of TLAPD, and lots of helpful links to all things pirate!
  • The New England Pirate Museum:  This wonderful site has some great hands-on ideas for students of all ages.  Find directions for making a compass or learn about articles of agreement!  This is a good place to start your lesson planning!
  • Pirate Unit for Sixth Graders:  If you want something a little more in-depth for your older kids, check out this great unit.  It has many lesson plans and rubrics all right there for you!
  • Preschool Pirates:  Homeschool Creations has a free unit study and lapbook for your preschooler!  Just about every topic you can think of is included, right at your younger child’s learning level.
  • Games:  My son got Scallywags for Christmas last year and we have really had a lot of fun with it.  Loot also looks like a good one—I’ve never been disappointed with a Gamewright game!
  • Books and Fun:  We had a fun time learning about pirates when my son was four.  (Can he really be nine now?!)  In my blog post about the unit I have lots of book and activity links.  I hope you enjoy them!

I hope you and your crew have a great time learning about life on the high seas!

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