This has been a weekend of high highs and low lows.
I flew out of state to say goodbye to my father. During this weekend I was blessed to have time to connect with this man who has informed my backbone. The strongest person I have ever known … and then I realized that, as with most of us, that strong exterior was protection for the sensitivity that lies within.
Nothing will return you to your childhood as fast as bearing witness to a parent in need.
I love you, dad. I wish I had said it more. But I know you always knew, just like I did, even though the words didn’t always come out.
I’m heading home now, back to my family, which is difficult with the knowledge that my dad is finishing his story and I’m far away. I’m thankful for the family that surround him during this time.
I’m thankful for the strength, the love and the person that my dad has made me today. He’s not gone but fading fast; and I just ask that everyone who reads this keep a kind thought or say a prayer for my dad, and for your own families.
Thank you for listening.