Wow. Another hot summer, huh?
At the beginning of the break, I gave myself the task of visiting a park and library every few weeks. I plotted it out, even! I had four combinations set up, all over the Metro.
Well, two out of four ain’t bad, right? I managed to get the kids out of the house and into the fire to visit the two closest park/library locations and I decided to forego the other more far-flung venues, saving them for another more temperate day. Hey, fall break is coming soon! We have ideas for activities to do then. Of course, I’m assuming that it won’t be hot come October. I do hate going to the pumpkin patch in flip flops.
I just cannot get motived to get out there in this heat; and then you add kids’ activities, and work, and sleeping in (it is summer after all!) and we have turned into hermits.
We did take a day to head downtown for an afternoon movie, spending an hour beforehand wandering around exploring Bricktown. Played on the playground a little bit, discovered some beautiful gardens that I’d not seen before (where we saw cardinals, hummingbirds and butterflies) and walked along the canal to see the ducks and try to get low to escape the heat (it did not work). I love seeing all that our city has to offer!
After the movie, we got to the car and sat in the AC for a minute or two, watching as giant construction equipment was working to deconstruct the crosstown bridge. “Look kids—we’re watching history here.” Deconstruction is an amazing process. I was enthralled by the changes that are happening downtown, but the kids were more concerned with the idea that the construction equipment were evil Decepticon Transformers. It’s all about the viewpoint.
And now, school is starting. We’ve got our supplies packed into sacks to bring to back-to-school night where the kids will meet their new teachers. Shoes are ready, lunch kits dug out of the back of the pantry and I’m trying to get the kids up a little earlier each day so the first day of school doesn’t come as such a shock. And the best part of it all is that we are looing at lower temps (yay!) and even rain. The best end to summer that I could imagine.