Fall break is here! Maybe you’re not taking a break this week, and I can’t say I blame you since many places will be full of people trying to make the best of their time out of the classroom. We try to stay home as much as we can when public school is out just to avoid the crowds. My niece and nephew are in public school, though, so we do try to do fun things with them when we can—though these things often take place at Grandma and Grandpa’s house, where there are lots of free snacks and no long lines for the swings.
If you’re not taking a break this week, don’t forget to schedule one in—for your kids and for you! If you’ve been going strong since August, you may be feeling the need for some down time, and if you’re feeling it, chances are good that your kids are, too! You don’t have to do anything huge, just break out of your normal routine. Here are a few of the things (some big, some not so big) that we’ve enjoyed doing on our short breaks from school:
- camping
- spend the night at a hotel with a pool
- camp out in the living room
- museum trips
- park days
- movie marathons
- stay in your pjs all day
- pull out craft kits you bought on sale and never used (Please tell me I’m not the only mom who does this!!)
Some things are easier to do than others, depending on how old your kids are and how much time and money you’re willing to invest, but whatever you decide to do, make sure to take at least a day away from your regular routine and just enjoy being together!
Happy Fall!