Noon Year's Eve Eve at OKCMOA - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

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Noon Year’s Eve Eve at OKCMOA

Noon Year’s Eve Eve at OKCMOA


December 30, 2023 to December 30, 2023
10:00 AM until 02:00 PM


Features scavenger hunts, sketching activities in the galleries, a crown activity with MetroFamily Magazine, refreshments and a balloon drop at noon.


  • Scavenger Hunt, Available All Day (Galleries) - Complete your scavenger hunt and turn it into the Museum Store for a prize!
  • Art-Making: MetroFamily Crowns (Classrooms)
  • Cookies and Punch, 11 a.m. - noon (Founders' Hall)
  • Balloon Drop, noon (Lobby)


Oklahoma City Museum of Art
415 Couch Dr,
Oklahoma City, OK , US
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Additional Information


Art activities are free with admission - kids 17 and under always receive free admission to OKCMOA


All ages welcome

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