Enjoying the Weather!, by Kami - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

Where OKC parents find fun & resources

Enjoying the Weather!, by Kami

by Kami McManus

Reading Time: 2 minutes 

Spring Break was so relaxing! Sure it rained a bit, but that didn’t ruin our rest and relaxation one bit!

Are you anything like my family in that all Spring Break manages to do is get me thinking about the summer? Warm weather, outdoor fun, museums, and family vacations are all things that most of us look forward to in the summer. Did you that there are tons of camps, events, and even classes for the kids to take? These camps keep kids engaged, using their minds, and having fun all the same time. Plus, it gives us all a change in routine and a change of scenery! Even homeschooling can get a little mundane sometimes. You get into a routine and forget to look outside of it for something new to try out!

So here is a brief list of things to check out, in addition to MetroFamily's online calendar.

  • Swim lessons: OCCC, the YMCA, and Earlywine swim center all have lessons! OCCC does them year around!
  • Museums: All the areas museums usually have camps, events, and lots of fun stuff for the whole family during the summer! Some of our favorites are Science Museum Oklahoma and the Museum of Osteology!
  • Parks and splash pads: As soon as the weather is nice, our family loves to go to area parks! We also love the splash pads that are usually on starting Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend.  List of places to get wet in the OKC metro.
  • Summer Movie Programs: Both the Warren and the Harkins theatres (I think others too, but these are the two we have personal experience with!) have a Summer Movie Program. They show family friendly movies in the morning for just a few dollars per person!
  • Kids Bowl Free: Check out www.kidsbowlfree.com to sign your kids up for passes to bowl for free! You just pay for shoes. www.amf.com has a program as well! Our family loves bowling in Norman at the Sooner Bowling Center and Moore Lanes in Moore!
  • Classes: Several of the area college have offered classes, camps, and other activities for kids. They were not free, but the course catalog we got in the mail last year had a lot of cool classes! Dancing, cooking, art, writing, sports, music, robotics, and more. I know our son has asked me several times if the catalog has come in the mail so we can see what is available and what the costs are so we can decide if it will work for us this summer!

Metro Family Magazine’s website has a great list of summer camps, and more.

But you don’t have to wait for the summer to enjoy fun events in metro OKC! Almost every weekend there is something fun going on! Make sure watch MetroFamily Magazine’s Facebook page for their top weekend picks. You can also sign up for the e-newsletter here! There is just so much information available!

What does your family look forward to each summer? Comment below and let me know!


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