Over the past few weeks I have been looking for activities that my children can do that do not involve being outside. While I know it is wonderful to get sunshine it is just too hot to be outside for any length of time. So, we headed to our local library and found many fun things while we were there.
- DVD’s—My youngest loves to watch videos of his favorite cartoon characters. Instead of running out and renting these movies, I can borrow them from the library. My local library lets me check out DVD’s for a two-week period. (Which is just about long enough of listening to the same movie over and over!) For myself I checked out some exercise DVD’s. My schedule has been thrown in the wind for the past several weeks so being able to exercise on my schedule is a plus. Also, by checking it out from the library, I can test them out before I invest in a copy of the DVD for myself.
- SIFT (Something Interesting For Teens)-—This past week they were talking about anime. While I found out too late for my teen son to get involved, it was something that would have interested him and we will be looking into this for next month. (It even includes snacks!). The teenage years are when kids tend to drift away from events at the library, so this is an excellent way to keep them involved.
- Reading to Dogs– I have not personally checked this out yet, but it is a program where the children read to dogs to sharpen their reading skills. I may look into this for my middle son.
I had completely forgotten about all of the free events going on at my local library. Be sure to check out the Metropolitan Library System and Pioneer Library System to find out what is going on at the library near you. Who knows you may find something exciting to do that is free! (And, check out MetroFamily’s online calendar, which is packed with other free events!)
What is your favorite event at the library?