5 Ways to Have an Active Weekend in OKC - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

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5 Ways to Have an Active Weekend in OKC

by Umo Callins

Reading Time: 2 minutes 

Fall is finally here! Bring on the pumpkins, hoodies, football and all the many exciting things related to this season! Most of us are excited to be able to get outside and be active comfortably in COOLER weather. Also, due the current circumstances we are in, getting active outdoors is much more appealing in general.

Luckily there are so many great things to do outdoors as a family to enjoy movement and physical activity, plus have fun in a variety of ways.

Here are our family’s faves:

  1. Scissortail Park: One of Oklahoma City’s newest attractions, this park in downtown OKC offers huge Outdoor fields, exercise spaces and walking trails. Plus they host outdoor markets, often have food trucks and much more.
  2. Piedmont Community Park: They have a basketball court, huge playground, hopscotch courtand outdoor workout equipment for kids. It’s a great place to run and exercise.
  3. Youth Zone in the Boathouse District: Enjoy zip-lining, a tower to climb, a playground and much more! There’s also an option to rent kayaks and paddleboards.
  4. OKC Zoo: The zoo always has fun fall-themed events. Both adults and kids can have an absoluteblast this upcoming season.
  5. Fall Festivals: There are tons of fall-themed festivals that are full of activities, fun food and allow for so much walking! Get those steps in — you can even challenge each other to a competition for who can rack up the most.

My family and I enjoy visiting different parks and taking the stroller, bikes and kids scooters and enjoying each other’s company and the scenery! This time of the year makes for some beautiful sightseeing right here in our own community. You can play games, enjoy fun fitness activities as a family and fuel up with a nice picnic outdoors when it’s all said and done!

Umo Callins is a proud wife, mother of three beautiful kids, a registered dietitian and certified personal trainer. She owns Well Rooted Health and Nutrition, a private practice in Oklahoma City where she works with individuals and families to improve health and well-being with nutrition and lifestyle changes. She also co-owns a gym, 180Physique, in Edmond with her husband. Follow Umo @wellrooted_hn on social media and wellrootedhn.com.

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