I’ve been a mom for more than eight years, but I’m here to tell you, most days I still feel like I have no idea what I’m doing. The skills I honed in four years of having three kids, like becoming a master swaddler, soothing a colicky baby and finding a missing pacifier in the dark, would probably all feel foreign to me now since my youngest is now in preschool.
I entered motherhood a little like a newborn foal, wobbly and unsure, despite reading lots of books and even taking several classes. I can assure you, had I had the opportunity to attend an event like Bump, Baby & More when I was pregnant or my babies were still babies, I would have been first in line. Here are the things I wish I’d had access to that you can take advantage of our at Bump, Baby & More virtual event on Saturday, June 5, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and available for on-demand viewing:
- Q & A sessions with local experts. We all have those questions about childbirth or caring for a newborn that we’re just not sure who to ask. Or perhaps Aunt Karen or neighbor Lisa have given their advice ad nauseum but you’d rather talk with someone with some general knowledge about the subject. I’m really thankful we’ll have an opportunity to chat with experts at our virtual Bump, Baby & More event. With our virtual event software, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with exhibitors and presenters in real-time to ask your questions and share community with other local moms and moms-to-be. I spent so much time researching what I’d need to know about a new baby that I didn’t even consider what I needed to know about myself after giving birth, and I wish I’d had more insight into the warning signs of postpartum depression. We’ll also have pediatricians on hand to talk life hacks for surviving baby’s first year, a fitness expert to talk
about exercise during and after pregnancy, a chef talking baby and mom nutrition, plus much more!
- Prizes. Whether physically, emotionally, mentally or all three, the stress of waiting on a baby or caring for little people is immense some days. I said more times than I could count that there should be a prize or medal for mamas wrangling squalling newborns or tantrum-throwing toddlers to and from the doctor (at around 18 months, my oldest would yell “No doctor!” anytime we drove even near the vicinity of our pediatrician’s office). Mamas and mamas-to-be, here’s your chance for those prizes you deserve!! Tune into our sessions, live Q&A and win prizes from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on June 5, 2021.
- Discounts to local services. I don’t know about you but the words “swag bag” instantly make me feel a little hipper. Especially when I’m alternately getting giddy about discounts! The more kids I had, the more I love to save, and all attendees will receive a digital goody bag with coupons and discounts to local businesses. Pro Tip: Sign up as a VIP and receive a box of goodies, new-parent essentials, coupons and more shipped to your door! (Make sure to sign up before May 20 to receive your box on time!)
- Shopping for local baby products. Do I really need a baby swing? What is a Nosefrida (if you don’t know, please google for a giggle)? I assure you the products I never thought I’d use were the most likely to become my constant companions, and those I spent big bucks on I probably used sparingly. Chat with local vendors and other moms about which products you need and which you don’t. (P.S. the Nosefrida WAS a necessity in my household).
- Built-in mom tribe. The key to surviving motherhood with some of my sanity intact has been my girlfriends. Whether it’s been late-night texts about baby symptoms or a listening ear to commiserate about how hard it is to raise tiny humans, when other moms have rallied around me, I’ve felt less alone, more sure of my instincts and seen for all the little things I do every day. If you’ve already got a mom tribe, encourage them to join you, or make new friends on our virtual community boards, where you’re able to create new conversations with those who are in the same stage of life as you.
I can’t wait to see you VIRTUALLY at Bump, Baby & More! I promise not to be like Aunt Karen and accost you with advice, but I would love to officially welcome you to the best gig you’ll ever have in motherhood and to our mom tribe at MetroFamily.
Join us Saturday, June 5 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for informative presentation, LIVE Q&A, prizes and community board engagement or on-demand until September.
Register early at: www.metrofamilymagazine.com/bump-baby-more-expo/