30 Day Mom Challenge Day 4 - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

Where OKC parents find fun & resources

30 Day Mom Challenge Day 4

by Mari Farthing

Reading Time: < 1 minute 


30 Day Mom Challenge Day 4—Kiss your child while they are sleeping.

Is there anything better than sneaking into your child’s room in the middle of the night while they are sleeping and watching them? When they’re really little it’s like witnessing a miracle. The entire rest of your life is lying there, sleeping in that crib. As they get older, there have been days where I would peek in on them with a tug on my heart-strings, where I would whisper silent apologies for the fighting and head-butting that we endured that day. Most of the time due to those tough lessons of life that it’s my job to impart. But the best times are when you peek in on them and see that sweet little baby face that used to be but is now changing into the face of the adult that is coming together, just under the surface. Or when you see the face of the man or woman that your child is going to be, and you know that these days where you are able to sneak into their room for a kiss and a prayer are fleeting times indeed.

Every night you can manage it is the right time to kiss that sleeping baby.

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