A group of volunteers with Girl Scouts-Western Oklahoma are kicking-off a new group of young professionals called GS Cornerstone, with a free event on Oct. 11 in Oklahoma City to officially introduce the new volunteer opportunity to the community. The purpose of the new group is to engage and empower other young professionals to support the leadership program of Girl Scouts locally.
“With Girl Scout’s 100th anniversary coming up in 2012, we decided it was the perfect time to start a young professionals group,” said Diana Rogers Jaeger, GS Cornerstone co-chair and Girl Scouts-Western Oklahoma board member. “Our members will be actively engaged in advocacy, volunteerism and fundraising so that Girl Scouts will be a vital, thriving organization for the next 100 years!”
Two main initiatives of the group are to serve as mentors to girls working on their Gold Award, the highest honor given in Girl Scouting, and to establish a Gold Award scholarship.
“There was a time when a Girl Scout volunteer was a stay-at-home mom who served as a troop leader,” said Cathy Stackpole, CEO for Girl Scouts-Western Oklahoma. “Those dedicated moms are fewer and fewer, and we need the enthusiasm and support of young adults as Girl Scouts moves into its 100th year. The energy that this group will offer our Girl Scouts will enable more girls to earn these important awards by mentoring them through the process of creating community projects. This is an exciting time in our history, and we are even more excited when we see creative, professional and busy young adults actively volunteering their time to make a difference in a girl’s life.”
GS Cornerstone will host the free kick-off event on Oct. 11 from 5:30-7 pm at Oh! Space located at 3012 N. Robinson Avenue in Oklahoma City. Young professionals, both men and women, interested in making a difference in the lives of girls in their community are invited to meet GS Cornerstone members, to learn more about the group, and to be introduced to the Girl Scout Leadership experience available to girls today through scouting. Refreshments and door prizes will be provided.
For more information about GS Cornerstone, visit www.gscornerstone.org. For more information on Girl Scouts-Western Oklahoma, including how to join and volunteer, visit www.gswestok.org or call 405-528-4475.