Young Artists Invited to Submit Work for the 2012 Youth Impressions Art Show - MetroFamily Magazine
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Young Artists Invited to Submit Work for the 2012 Youth Impressions Art Show

Reading Time: 2 minutes 

Young artists statewide in 1st through 12th grades should get out their easels, paints, charcoal, paper or mixed media to prepare works for the 2012 Youth Impressions Juried Art Show.  Presented by the Fine Arts Institute of Edmond and sponsored by the Oklahoma Arts Council, the show will run from January 14-27 at the Edmond Downtown Community Center.  The deadline for entry forms is January 11th. 

Forms are available at the Fine Arts Institute, 27 E. Edwards in Edmond or from school art teachers.  Information is available at  Students and art teachers should plan ahead for this artistic opportunity to display their art in a juried art show.

The Juried Art Show provides an incentive for students to be recognized for their artistic talents.  Students can enter their art, have it accepted in the show, and possibly win cash Awards of Excellence. Also 2012 participants may receive Recognition Awards of $25 each which are sponsored by interested individuals, businesses or corporations.

“In the same manner that musicians, dancers and drama students have numerous opportunities to display their talent through recitals, plays and competitions, visual art students also need a vehicle through which they can share their works,” says Mitzi Hancuff, Executive Director of the Fine Arts Institute.  “The Youth Impressions show does just that.”

The 2012 juror, Arni Anderson, is a multi-talented artist and teacher who is nationally recognized for his watercolor, oils and acrylic paintings.  Anderson’s following includes:  portraits, workshops and teaching at the University level.  His art is represented in 75 corporate collections and he has received 450 art awards.  Anderson is an art judge, art juror, internet on line exhibition judge, artist in residence and lifetime member of Southern Watercolor Society.

Youth Impressions categories are for students in 1st – 3rd grades, 4th – 6th grades, 7th – 9th grades, and 10th – 12th grades.  Media accepted includes pencil, ink, oil and soft pastels, watercolor, acrylic, oil, print media, photography (digital and traditional), mixed media, pottery and fiber work.  No jewelry will be accepted.  Two dimensional works must be dry and matted ready for hanging.  Size is limited to 30 x 40”.  Heavy frames with glass are not allowed.

Each student may submit two entries with a $3 fee per entry or $5 for two entries.  Art will be received on Saturday, January 14th from 10 AM until noon.  A reception will be held on Tuesday, January 17th at 7:00 pm at the exhibit for the artists, their family members, and other guests.  Art must be picked up on Friday, January 27th from 1:00 – 4:30.  For further information, call 340-4481 or visit

The Fine Arts Institute is Edmond’s non-profit community arts organization offering educational enrichment for adults and children in the visual and performing arts.

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