Rainbow Fleet was founded in 1972 when Dr. Peggy Loeffler decided to create a mobile education unit that offered various learning materials, toys and books directly to child care facilities. By taking the resources directly into child care and early education programs, Rainbow Fleet could reach large numbers of children, families and caregivers. While the methodology changed with time, and the programs and projects adapted based on needs assessments and priorities, the mission remained the same.
Rainbow Fleet expanded the mobile toy lending library concept and developed a Child Care Resource Center which allows for greater access to more resources and materials. They have also grown to include added programs and services including Child Care Resource and Referral, Child Care Training and Technical Assistance, the Quality Enhancement Initiative, and the Child and Adult Care Food Program. The existence of these programs serves as a testament to our commitment to the underlying mission of Rainbow Fleet, which remains as strong today as it did more than 50 years ago.