Supporting, Celebrating and Advocating for People with Autism - Ep. 4.30 - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

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Supporting, Celebrating and Advocating for People with Autism – Ep. 4.30

Reading Time: < 1 minute 

Tiffany Hammond, the voice behind the Fidgets and Fries platform, shares tips for supporting, celebrating and advocating for people with Autism. Tiffany is an Autistic mother, advocate and storyteller — and she uses her personal experiences with Autism, and those of her two Autistic sons, to guide others on their journeys. Tiffany has a master’s degree in Developmental Psychology and spends her time teaching, coaching and mentoring others in disability justice issues. She is the author of the new children’s book, A Day With No Words, inspired by her oldest son, which seeks to normalize non-verbal communication.

Watch Time: 58 minutes

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