SPONSORED: Back to School with Asthma - MetroFamily Magazine
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SPONSORED: Back to School with Asthma

by Jessica Misun

Reading Time: 2 minutes 

Summer is coming to an end and families are gearing up to go back to school. School supplies and clothing are probably on most checklists. But what about kids with asthma? According to “The Guide for Asthma Control for Mom and Dad and Me too!” published by Dr. Santiago Reyes, pediatric pulmonologist in Oklahoma City, asthma is the most common chronic disease of childhood affecting an estimated five million children. 

Dr. Reyes specializes in respiratory diseases of children and adolescents including asthma, respiratory infections, chronic and acute respiratory conditions and cystic fibrosis. Below are some things Dr. Reyes said families should consider before their child with asthma goes back to school.

Back to School Asthma Checklist:

  • See your child’s physician to get a sports physical if needed, an up-to-date asthma action plan and new prescription for any medications the student may need at school.
  • See the school nurse.
  • Make sure they have a copy of your child’s asthma action plan if applicable.
  • Make sure your child has the health forms filled out in order for him or her to get the medication needed or carry the medication themselves.
  • Make sure the medication is in an unopened box with the script clearly on the outside.
  • If you are unsure whether your child should carry their medication go to the American Lung Association self-carry assessment tool.
  • See the gym teacher and/or coaches to discuss your child’s asthma, any needed precautions and need for treatment prior to and during activity.
  • See your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s asthma, triggers and treatments.
  • If your child has severe asthma, you may want to speak with your school counselor about a 504 or an individualized education plan (for more information on 504 plans and IEP’s visit the Oklahoma State Department of Education website or see MetroFamily Champions OKC’s Special Needs Guide).

Following the right steps can decrease the impact asthma has on your child at school. Dr. Reyes has been helping Oklahoma families for more than 20 years and he would be happy to serve your family. If you have questions about preparations to make sure your child is taken care of at school or questions about pediatric respiratory conditions in general, call Dr. Reyes office at 405-945-4495. 

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