SPONSORED: 5 Tips for Taking Amazing Photos of your Kids at Local Events - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

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SPONSORED: 5 Tips for Taking Amazing Photos of your Kids at Local Events

Reading Time: 3 minutes 

We know that you love MetroFamily’s Events Calendar and we are pretty sure you are taking photos of your kiddos when you attend those events. Wouldn’t it be great if you could take amazing pictures that really captured the moment? MetroFamily asked local photographer and owner of Prints Charming Photography, Christian Sangree, how to take the best photos of your kids at events. Capture your family’s experience with these tips from Prints Charming Photography:

When I’m taking a photo at an indoor event, how do I choose the best background that will allow my kids to still be the focus of the image? 

If you can keep some distance between the subjects and the background, you’ll find your subjects (the kids) will be the focus of the photo and it will look more professional. When you want to capture a photo of your kids indoors, look for a large window or some natural light source that can help light the faces of the kids. Having your children adequately lit may be the most important key to getting a decent photo and will help them to stand out from the background. Also, if they’re wiggly and like to move, that extra light can help speed up the photo so the kids don’t look so blurry.

What do I do if there are a lot of people around and they are in the photo?

Getting close and zooming in removes distractions and clutter. Fill the frame with faces. Get down low, especially when you have small children. Photos taken down at their level are much more impactful than photos taken from six feet up. Years from now, you probably won’t care so much about the surroundings.

What is the best way to pose my kids or does it really matter? 

Don't always make them smile or even pose. Natural expressions are so cute and real. Don’t always make them cheese for the camera and you’ll often be rewarded with some really darling photos. Plus, you won’t set them up to start hating having their photos taken if you make it more fun and relaxed for them. 

How do I get my kids to smile… for real? 

If you want to get your kids to smile for real, it isn’t usually as hard as it sounds. You know your kids! Almost every kid laughs if someone says the word, “Toot” (gasp!) or adds sound effects. Being a goof helps too. Doing a funny little dance, reminding them of something they’re looking forward to or a recent experience that they really had a great time at. The key is to have it be a fun experience in the first place. It’s tough to get good smiles if everyone’s stressed out and not having a great time. 

What is your number one piece of advice for getting the best photo of my kids at an event?

Try to tell a story with your photos. One way to do this is to get a photo on the way into the event. If there's a cool entrance or sign, it's often a useful "establishing" shot to help tell the story of the rest of the photos. One of our biggest inspirations is the iconic Norman Rockwell, who used his artwork to tell stories that needed no words. Stories of life, childhood, dreams, love… the meaningful things of life. Not the easiest thing to do, but being intentional about it can start the ball rolling and really make for some rewarding images.

Prints Charming Photography is locally owned and operated by Christian & Holly Sangree, a husband and wife team and full-time professional photographers based in Oklahoma City. They specialize in family and senior portraits and are passionate about creating beautiful wall art from those milestones, moments and memories. For more information, call 405-748-0088 or visit www.printscharmingphotography.com

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