At MetroFamily, we strive to bring you the most helpful and up-to-date information available—and sometimes our desire to bring you the latest and greatest includes a few…ummm…hiccups along the way.
Please pardon our errors in our October 2011 issue:
- The Rollors Game included in the Problem Solving Products on page 9 should correctly be priced at $26. (
- In the Oklahoma Reads column on p. 22, we incorrectly identified some of the information about the Nutrition: What Every Parent Needs to Know. Please note that the book was edited by William H. Dietz, MD, PHD, FAAP and Loraine Stern, MD, FAAP and published by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The paperback version is priced at $14.95, and may be found at
We sincerely regret these errors and any inconvenience they may cause.
Thank you for being a MetroFamily reader!