Oklahoma Women Encouraged to Prioritize their Health
Women’s Health Week is May 8-14
It’s an unfortunate fact that more than 60 percent of Oklahoma women are overweight and obese, which contributes to heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
To highlight the importance of women’s health, the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) will recognize National Women’s Health Week, which kicks off on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8, and extends through Saturday, May 14. This year marks the 12th anniversary of the health observance. With the theme “It’s Your Time,” OSDH public health officials are encouraging women to make their health a top priority and take simple steps to improve their health and lower risks of certain diseases.
Those steps include:
· Get at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week.
· Engage in muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days of the week.
· Eat a nutritious diet.
· Avoid smoking.
It is also important for women to get regular health checkups. May 9 is National Women’s Health Checkup Day. Women are encouraged to visit their healthcare provider or to schedule a checkup.
In addition, being healthy before and between pregnancies greatly increases a woman’s chances of having a healthy baby. A statewide initiative, “Preparing for a Lifetime, It’s Everyone’s Responsibility” promotes healthy lifestyle choices which improve the likelihood of having a healthy pregnancy and baby. It is also vital for spouses, partners, family, and friends to support a woman’s healthy choices. For more information and resources visit iio.health.ok.gov.
The observance of National Women’s Health Week also provides an opportunity for all Oklahomans to learn about the “Shape Your Future” campaign, which challenges individuals, schools, and communities to get involved in improving Oklahoma’s health outcomes. Learn more at shapeyourfutureok.com.
The OSDH and local communities have planned numerous activities to celebrate National Women’s Health Week. To learn more about how the OSDH supports women’s health, please visit health.ok.gov or check with your local county health department.