Looking Back, Thinking Forward - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

Where OKC parents find fun & resources

Looking Back, Thinking Forward

Sarah Taylor and her kids on Mount Scott, Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, 1996

by Sarah Taylor

Reading Time: 2 minutes 

MetroFamily’s mission as a media company is to provide inspiration and support to local parents in their important role of raising their children to be happy, contributing members of their communities, and to help businesses and service organizations connect their messages to these engaged parents. Our emphasis on “things to do” as a family through our in-print and online calendars, lists and resources is key to this mission: we know family life can be tough and prioritizing having fun as a family is key to building relationships that can stand strong through the difficult times. We also acknowledge that our community is only as strong as its individual families — strong families rely on parents who have the resources and know-how for their vital role.

As we look back on the past 25 years, here are the top five ways we have been fortunate to support the OKC community and local families — plus how we’re looking to serve in even more effective ways in the future:

  1. Our local family fun resources have always been our most popular and often how new families hear about MetroFamily. We provide award-winning, top-notch resources, including a popular calendar of events and directories, lists and guides featuring kids’ sports, arts, STEM and other educational classes and camps along with parenting classes and resources.
  2. Through articles, themed series and our new podcast, we have brought attention to important local issues such as foster care, child care, our education system, mental and physical health of children and resources for kids with special needs.
  3. We enjoy highlighting the local movers and shakers who work hard to improve family life in Oklahoma City, as well as the parents who are making a difference for their own children and other kids who need a helping hand through our annual Awesome Moms contest and Real Parents of the Metro series.
  4. We strive to reach parents where they are in the ways most convenient for them, including our award-winning print publication, popular website, e-newsletter (for 20 years!), robust social media presence and our own annual events.
  5. Our team knows parenting is both hard and beautiful because we’re all raising kids and grandkids, too! Throughout the years we’ve been not only committed to sharing our own experiences to help other families but also to listening to and providing a platform for the experiences of other families to inspire hope, advocacy and community.

We are constantly on the lookout to identify and implement new programs and technologies that better serve the OKC community. One example of a recently launched project is our OKC Thrive Fest event, held March 25 at Riversport OKC, that provided access to encourage better physical and mental health for the entire family.

If you have ideas for how MetroFamily can better serve you and your family, please let us know by emailing tips@metrofamilymagazine.com or calling us at 405-601-2081. And thank you for being a loyal reader of MetroFamily. We look forward to raising our OKC children together with you for years to come!

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