Inclusive OKC: Western Sizzlin in Moore - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

Where OKC parents find fun & resources

Inclusive OKC: Western Sizzlin in Moore

by Miranda Steffen

Reading Time: 2 minutes 

For some people with special/additional needs and disabilities, enjoying a meal at a restaurant can be a challenge. The lights may be too bright, the atmosphere too loud, or it’s simply a space that discourages their louder and more wigglier patrons. Unfortunately, sometimes it is a matter of simply being unwelcomed because one may look or sound different than the other customers. Inclusive OKC‘s goal is to highlight the businesses that go above and beyond to make sure that everyone’s experience is exceptional.

Amanda Miller and her son, Owen, have become frequent diners of the Western Sizzlin in Moore thanks in part to the friendly and accommodating staff. Owen has general anxiety, some sensory issues and is allergic to dairy, Amanda said. Difficult things about eating out with Owen are that he doesn’t like to look at or talk to strangers and he can’t sit still for longer than 10 minutes.

According to the restaurant’s Facebook page, “everyone who visits us is treated to the same welcoming hometown atmosphere.” Amanda agreed, saying it’s one of their favorite restaurants because of the way the staff goes above and beyond.

“The servers always make it a point to come by and talk with my son, even if we are not in their section” she said.

In addition to feeling welcomed and accepted, the restaurant is never too crowded and staff do not mind when Owen needs to get up and move around. They have helped the family enjoy a meal together, regardless of Owen’s sensory sensitivities. Additionally, the staff takes the time to research ingredients specifically to cater to Owen’s allergy.

Western Sizzlin Steak House offers a full buffet and menu options. They are located at 1317 N. Moore Ave. in Moore and are open 10:45 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. For more information, please contact the restaurant directly at 405-799-7831.

Miranda Steffen is part of a blended family with four sons ranging from preschooler to young adult. She enjoys exploring the OKC metro while creating adventures and memories with her crew. Miranda has a background in early education and a passion for autism and advocacy. She enjoys a good book, a great bargain, writing and hiking. If you have an idea for a business Miranda should feature on Inclusive OKC, email her

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