After five short months as foster parents, we almost feel like veterans. Five months and many additional children later, we are learning to do life as a family of many. Even as I type those words, it seems mind boggling. Five short months ago, I had an organized life. A nice home, good marriage and a few kids. It was perfect!
So, since we do crazy well, we jumped in with both feet. We initially said we would take one. “Just one,” I pointedly told our social worker. And then God laughed and laughed. Our one turned into many, and now we are officially, “hard to hang around.”
What does that look like?
Well, it means we routinely get stares from strangers. I have been awkwardly questioned by well-meaning store clerks, “Are they all yours?!” Buying in bulk is like a part-time job, since my children can eat exactly 515 lbs. of fruit a day. Someone is always sick and the school has my cell number on speed dial. The conversation usually starts, “Hi, Jenn. It’s the school nurse. So sorry to call you again…”
We no longer eat on real dishes, but instead have planted a small tree farm on our property, in hopes of replacing all of the trees we’ve killed through our use of paper products. The washer and dryer are always running and the electric company gives out a corporate bonus every time we pay our bill.
All joking aside, life is pretty nutty around these parts. To our friends who have hung in there with us, we love you! For the others who have hunkered down with a bowl of popcorn to watch the show, we would too!
On the days when someone has stepped on my last nerve, or my sanity is hanging on by a thread, I try to remember our why. And, then the crazy makes sense.
I am married to a living, breathing testament to the power one family can have in the life of a child. For that, I’m forever thankful. This crazy life? This is our legacy. When I remember that, I can take a deep breath, and wade back into the chaos for a while longer. Though I may be counting down the hours until bedtime!
Jenn Morris is a freelance writer, blogger and a mom of six (some biological, some foster). Learn more about her and our other bloggers here and check out all our foster care resources here. If you want to volunteer to help foster kids, see this list of opportunities.