Toddler Books
My Nap Buddy by KJ Stephens,
illustrated by Lowell Hildebrandt (Authorhouse, softcover, $8.95)
Local writer Stephens tells a story of Annabel, who doesn’t want to miss a thing while she takes her nap. A good story to read to a little one who still needs that nap she thinks she may have outgrown.
Pat the Beastie by Henrik Drescher
(Workman Publishing, hardcover, $11.95)
Paul and Judy have a pet Beastie that they love to torment, but will Beastie be sure they get what they deserve in the end? A fun, interactive title that takes readers on their own adventure with Beastie.
Grades Kindergarten-3
The Clever Stick by John Lechner
(Candlewick Press, hardcover, $14.99)
Sometimes we may stumble on our path in life, and it may not be easy to see our blessings among our shortcomings. The story of the clever stick reminds readers that sometimes we don’t see the most important gifts we posess. Grades 5 and up.
Conspiracy 365: January by Gabrielle Lord
(Kane/Miller Publishers, hardcover, $10.99) A fast-paced, mature adventure featuring 15-year-old Cal’s story of survival on the run. The first of a series of twelve novels will whet your adventurous child’s appetite for more.
Grades 4-7
Alice in Wonderland: a Classic Illustrated Edition by Lewis Carroll;
compiled by Cooper Edens (Chronicle Books, softcover, $14.99)
The familiar and classic tale is retold with illustrations from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century versions.
Books for Adults
How to Have Your Second Child First by Kerry Colburn and Rob Sorenson
(Chronicle Books, softcover, $18.95) Having a child is easier after you’ve already had one. This book provides the wisdom of experienced parents to new parents. Here are the 100 things we wish someone would have told us before we had our first child.
Predators and Child Molesters by Robin Sax
(Prometheus Books, softcover, $17.98)
Written by a former sex crimes prosecutor and deputy district attorney from Los Angeles, this is the topic that no parent wants to think about, tackled in a clear manner that makes it the book all parents must read.
Reviews by MetroFamily Magazine editor Mari Farthing.