Experience a Unique Groundhog's Day Prediction at the OKC Zoo! - MetroFamily Magazine
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Experience a Unique Groundhog's Day Prediction at the OKC Zoo!

by Brooke Barnett

Reading Time: 2 minutesย 

Before my son was born, I thought the most interesting thing about Groundhog's Day was how to spell Punxsutawney Phil. Then, in 2009, my son came into the world on February 2nd and it suddenly became a holiday near and dear to my heart. 

When he turned three, we decided we wanted to start a new tradition to celebrate this birthday each year—and the OKC Zoo provided the perfect activity.  Since the Zoo doesn't actually have any groundhogs, they have designated their grizzly bear brothers Will and Wiley to be the official prognasticators.  So each year on Groundhog's Day, the grizzlies step up and make their annual predicton.  Last year, the bears official proclamation was six more weeks of winter—and my family had a great time watching these "meteorologists" eat and play, before spending an unseasonably warm winter day exploring all the great exhibits  at the Zoo.

What to Do:

This year, you can head to the Big Rivers area in the Oklahoma Trails exhibit next Saturday, February 2, at 10:00am to see what the bears predict for 2013. Free hot chocolate and doughnuts are available for while supplies last, and the Groundhog's Day event is free with paid Zoo admission. Plus, you can take our Field Guide along to help make your trip both fun and educational.

If you can't make it to the Zoo on Saturday, don't forget that Zoo admission is free every Monday through February.

Whether the bears predict an early spring or more winter to come, the annual Groundhog's Day activity is a fun new tradition to start with your family.  And, as we head to the Zoo next Saturday to celebrate my son's 4th birthday, we'll be crossing our fingers for an early spring!

For more information, call 424-3344 or visit www.okczoo.com

Happy Groundhog's Day!

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