Child care support for Oklahoma families who have experienced employment loss - MetroFamily Magazine
MetroFamily Magazine

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Child care support for Oklahoma families who have experienced employment loss

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As of Oct. 1, 2021, parents who have experienced a job loss of any kind and are looking to return to work will be eligible for three months of fully subsidized child care while they search for a job. This is an expansion of the program which previously only benefitted those who lost their employment due to COVID and was limited to 60 days.
Interested individuals may apply at
The funding for this program was made possible by a $50 million block grant through the federal CARES Act.
“Providing families with access to child care is an economic issue, as it allows parents to re-engage with the job market,” said Deb Smith, director of OKDHS Adult and Family Services. “OKDHS is proud to offer this additional support to help families get back to work.”
Traditionally, the child care subsidy program has strict income limits for families. Job seekers do not need to meet income eligibility requirements to access this program and this expansion allows for three months of subsidy for any job loss.
To access three months of child care subsidy, job seekers must apply online at and provide their final paystub. Once approved, parents must choose a child care provider who is licensed and contracted with OKDHS to accept subsidy payments. Licensed, quality child care programs can be found by using the Child Care Locator at

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