Pollinators play an important role in our ecosystem. Learn how you can help!
- Pollinators sometimes travel long distances to collect pollen. You can help by providing them a space where they can stop and rest awhile, or even build a home! Invite solitary bees to make your backyard their safe haven by building a simple DIY bee hotel. Find instructions at myriadgardens.org/botanicalbroadcast-bee-hotel-craft.
When planning your summer garden, consider adding pollinator-friendly plants like green milkweed, Beebalm, Maximillian sunflower and blue sage. Certain kinds of plants are best at providing pollinators food in the form of nectar, leaves and stems for larvae and pollen to spread around. Find more information about pollinator-friendly plants at okiesformonarchs.org.
- Become a pollinator scientist! Observe a flowering plant in your backyard or neighborhood and count the pollinators that visit. Collect your data using a camera, drawings or tally marks. What kinds of pollinators visited the
most? Which visited the least? Did you identify any new pollinators that you hadn’t seen before? Learn more about conducting a pollinator count at myriadgardens.org/botanical-broadcastcitizen-science-pollinator-count.
The Myriad Gardens outdoor grounds and Crystal Bridge Conservatory are open to enjoy nature while social distancing. The Children’s Garden, Thunder Foundation and Plaza Foundation are currently scheduled to open June 1. Visit myriadgardens.org for the most up-to-date information.